Polykey Support

We have answers to some common questions below. If you're still having problems email polykey@polymorphism.co.uk.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to install Polykey?

At the moment all iOS keyboard extensions need to be added manually. This is a limitation of iOS. We're hopeful that a future version of iOS will simplify the installation process.

Why do I need to give Polykey Full Access?

Polykey does not need full access.

Polykey will work without full access, however, it won't be able to provide corrections based on your contacts or shortcuts.

Polykey doesn't appear in the keyboard menu

Restarting your device should resolve this. Later iOS updates have greatly improved the stability of 3rd-party keyboards, so we recommend updating to iOS9.

Where's the # key?

In Polykey 1.2 onwards it has moved to a more prominent position on the 1 key.

What languages do you support?

Polykey currently only supports English keyboards.

Can you add undo/redo and cut and paste buttons to Polykey?

Upgrade to iOS9 to get these features on iPad!

Unfortunately, due to limitations of 3rd-party keyboards in iOS, it isn't currently possible to add this for iPhone users.

Can you add a microphone button?

Due to limitations of 3rd-party keyboards in iOS, it isn't currently possible to implement this feature. To access the microphone, switch back to the stock Apple keyboard by pressing the globe key.

Can you add up and down cursor keys?

The iOS 3rd party keyboard API doesn't support up and down cursor keys, so we're unable to implement these.